The Nashville Pops Orchestra is brand new, founded by orchestral entrepreneur Jeff Bown. Its musicians are among the best in the country. It is expected it will quickly become known as one of the best Pops orchestras in the US.
Our concerts will be unique. Nothing like them has been done before anywhere in the US. They will break new ground by combining exciting musical events and active partnerships with major schools; providing a potentially life-changing opportunity for many hundreds of high school students. What’s more each concert will raise substantial funds for the schools involved.
We are currently putting together our final programs for 2017. And developing the partnerships with schools that will raise money for such a vital area of our lives. Come back to this website soon for news on the first schools involved.
If you would like to be part of this exciting new venture, as a donor, an advisor or a volunteer; or your company would consider sponsoring one these very visible concerts that will contribute so much to our community, please get in touch with us by using the contact link at the end of this text.
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